NEA Feedback

 Friday 29th November 2024.


. good template choice

. some digital convergence


. Take images 

. Consider pages needed for mag site

. Video + Text 

What you could've put into your exam Q3:

- The use of representations in advertising to construst a range of viewpoints addressing different target audiences.

- The different elements of representation used in print advertising e.g. Stereotypes, social constructionism and how these may be influenced by audience response. 

- The multiple meanings constructed through the combination of different elements of representation. 

- Understanding that advertising often constructs a variety of aspirational viewpoints which may represent a range of meanings, for example in relation to masculinity, equating wealth and or physical attractiveness. 

- campaign objectives: To challenge outdated stereotypes.

What you could've put in your exam Q4:

- Analysis might discuss how typical elements of magazine covers- images, main cover line, price and date, reference to elite persons.

-These conversional elements that are presented in a somewhat unconventional cover.

- Answers that may focus on the cover story.

Targets Q3:

Revise advertisement and analysing the work.  

Target Q4: 

Make a better judgement

Revise magazines conventions
