The male spy had gotten the suspect drunk asking if he had killed the girl and asking if Rupert was there
l/o: To explore the narrative, theme and characters in set episode.
Equilibrium- working at a police officer in an office, is unstable and stressed but is a trust worthy character. she has a husband who she slowly starting to dislike and her boss is a male who is higher up in power.
Disruption- Eve starts to recognise a pattern in the girls killing know testing that she is going after similar people.
Recognition and disruption- Ava tells her boss a male higher up in power. there is multiple assassinations. sex trafficker at the start with a young girlfriend.
Attempt to resolve- starts a team of people to help her investigate the killings while she is working with the secret agency. she starts to put the pieces together realising it is a female.
genre theory is about what genre something is and why they are created, meaning that genres are not fixted and can often become hybrids which is a mix of two diffrent genres.
killing eve:
killing eve is a spy-thriller, the programs this is similar to is Johnny english and kingsman films that are based around people being spy's, it has followed genetic codes and conventions of a spy-thriller because they are looking for someone and going undercover they are spying on someone, we see intertextual relay on the posters and the things they have used to advertise killing eve.
Industry and context.
l/o: To explore the production, social and political context of set products.
Historical: What happening at that time and how its affecting people, also what it reflects something that happened in the past e.g. wars
Economic: Anything related to money, so how money affects tv drama, the technical opportunities what celebrities they can afford in there shows.
Political: Political developments through media language, values and beliefs reflected through the show
Social: The way the audience consume and interpret the LFTVD
cultural: religion, groups of people, how cultural values are shown on the show.
LFTVD: long form tv drama
Things that happened when killing eve was released;
Cultural context:
june 24, 2019, saudi arabia granted women the right to drive one year ago, a historic move that cracked open a window to new freedoms for women who have long lived under repressive laws. The measure was enacted by the country"s de facto leader. It also allows Saudi Arabia women being able to travel freely alone, since this ban being lifted Saudi Arabia have also lifted a lot of diffrent bans for the women over there but sadly they still have bans that women are not allowed to do but if they do they have rules for doing it.
this can be applied to killing Eve or influence killing Eve because they are showing how women can be in power and how they can do things that men can and it shows how powerful women actually are. By killing Eve being written by all women and the main cast is mostly women shows a movement in how women are viewed in society.
Social context:
supreme court judge accused of sexual assault in public trial. As he is chosen to run for supreme court by Trump. At the time of him being accused of sexual assault, the women was a student at Holton-arms school, a private girls prep school in Bethesda. The interview included notes from her therapist in which she spoke about the attack. The judge and the white house stood by the denials, there were three women who had come forward and said how they had been sexually assaulted by him.
This can be applied to Killing Eve or influenced by Killing Eve because in the tv series they show how its mostly men in higher up power and hardly any women so the men are more in power.
Tuesday 21st November 2023
indrusty and context.
l/o: .To explore the social and political context of set products.
. To apply relevant theory to contextual issue shown in the text.
The context is important in influencing the themes in killing Eve as a media text because without the context given we wouldn't know which one is good and which one is bad, due to having a all women production team older women have gone from playing witches and always being seen as fragile to being seen as strong and beautiful. Because of the killing Eve cast for doing this a lot of women in different films are being portrayed differently.
suggested meaning- she dislikes children because she spilt the little girls ice-cream all over her, ice-cream- innocence- childish, suits- muted lighting, shopping bags- feminine.
opposites- childish- mature, Eve- Nico, older- younger, assassin- MI5, male- female, serious- funny.
race- most of the people in the meeting where white men,
Barthes- denotations, signs and its literal meaning e.g. 'dog' detonates a mammal that barks. connotations, e.g. rose people think about love.
levi-strauss: binary opposites e.g. hot-cold, male-female, culture-nature, raw-cooked.
Monday 27th November 2023. Characters Eve.
l/o: To explore the narrative and characterisation of Eve in set products.
colonialism: partial political control over another country.
Eve is represented in the two images as:
. tiered
. confident
. stressed
. professional
. disorganised
How is Eve represented in this opening scene?
egotistical- late, disorganised
defiant/confident- eating in the meeting
lighthearted- in bed screaming
immature- betting money on the killer being a girl
unprofessional- eating durning meeting, late into meeting.
relatable- being late, getting drunk, informal chat with collogue.
What are the key events in this scene?
the key events are
. her. in the morning
. her in meeting
How is Eve represented in these scenes?
professional- doing her job/being serious
curious- looking more into killing when not aloud to
persistent- phone call chasing down her leads, dialogue, sound
informal speech- talking to assistant over phone uses word "tits"
funny- Dom+Niko translating
deceiving/risk taker- camera shot to highlight her manipulating the interview
What are the key events in these scenes?
office, police interview, translation
What Mise en scene is used in the theses scenes that help establish eve as a character?
Eve is represented as curious when she was sat in the office with he co-worker and decided to go against what she was told, she had decided to head to the hospital and decided to ask the witness questions. This also shows even though she is an assistant and isn't actually part of the team she was able to get away with questioning the girl. When she was in the office it was quite a dull office which gives the audience the sense she was doing something wrong, the colour grey also symbolises wisdom showing that she may be making the right decision. Eves roll in this episode is an assistant meaning she goes around helping someone with there job it is quite a low job, as a female this is shows she hasn't got that much power so she has to sneak around to find answers to her questions, even though Eve is confident at what she does and is good at it she does want to be in a higher up position as she will have more authority. The editing from Eve being at the office to being at the hospital was quite dramatic showing that she is excited to finally find out something about the killing. In killing Eve there it is mainly a female based tv series the main role is a female, this is because the writers and all the film producers were female. Females usually play smaller roles and don't usually play as the main characters, Eve reflects the movement of how women are slowly being know test more for there talents and actually are allowed to play big roles. The Van Zoonen theory shows how the history of women actors were usually smaller roles and not really noticed for the work they have done.
Tuesday 28th November 2023.
Characters Eve.
l/o: To explore the narrative and characterisation of Eve in set products.
Eve determined:
She stands up to bill - office
sound - dialogue, persistant, accusations she gets high pitched voice.
camera - low angle mid shot/face (power, respected, see her facia expressions)
close-up on Eve's face - put point across, see her serious nature
props- show her research , determination/obsessive, organised+ resourceful (positive worker).
when she was in the hospital villanelle was dressed up as a nurse in the toilets and tells her to wear her hair down and she listened showing how she is easily persuaded into doing something, she is also portrayed by being emotional when she was crying/shaking after finding the dead bodies.
Butlers: gender performance:
saying how there is no gender identity behind the roles. Talks about 'gender trouble'.
Bell hooks theory is about class, gender, race and sexuality to create a white supremacist capitalist patriarchy which dominates media representations. This theory applies to killing Eve because Eve embodies the oppositional gaze that refuses to conform to the expectations of women and provides a character to identify with that challenges the patriarchal ideologies. patriarchy is represented through frank.
. flawed
. determined
Eve is represented as determined this can be seen when she is going out of her way and during her own time she is trying to solve the case and prove a point that she is trying to make. The scene that this is first seen in is when she goes from the office and instead of going home she heads to the hospital to interview the witness. The camera work also shows how she is serious about what she is doing, the angle that the scene was recorded at mainly has her as the focus showing she's not bothered about what is going on around her. she reflects a more equality in film making and shows the changes being made in the media, her being a women and is playing a role of a intelligent and focused women who is quite high up in power when stereotypically women are put to play females who are don't have high up jobs and aren't that smart, around the time that this was released the laws on women driving in saudi arabia had changed. The theory that applies to this is bell hooks this is because Eve portrays a powerful and intelligent women which goes against stereotypically what women play.
Monday 04th December 2023.
characters villanelle.
l/o: To explore the narrative and characterisation of villanelle in set productions.
Antagonist: A person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary
Anti-hero: A central character of a story who lacks traditional characteristics that are associated with a conventional hero.
In the four photos that we were shown villanelle is represented as powerful/assertive, wealthy, feminine and judgemental.
In the first scene villanelle is represented as different she has a lack of social skills, lack of confidence and it shows she doesn't have the natural ques to communicate with people. The key events in this scene is when she knocks over the little girls ice-cream over on purpose, when she copies the worker at the cafe and when she wipes the blood off her watch. As a young women we would expect her to act more grown up in this situation, instead of knocking the young girls ice-cream over she could've just walked out.
In the second scene Villanelle is presented as more of a kind and caring person because she was helping other people out, we can also see a darker side to her humor when she pretended to have overdosed to scare her boss, she is also shown to be more feminine when she sat at here make-up table and was applying her make-up. Villanelle is also shown to be quite smart you can see this when she has the band to make her seem flat chested so its harder for the witnesses to say what she looks like.
Villanelle is represented as different can be seen when she was sat in the cafe, you can tell that she lacks common communication skills she had to watch how other people were reacting to certain things e.g. the worker smiling at the girl who was staring at him she then also smiled, she seems confused as to how she was meant to react and when she pushed over the little girls ice-cream she may have gotten mad at the little girl for smiling at her as she didn't know how to react. The editing and the camera angles made it clearer to the audience that she isn't used to socialising. This is different to see for a female role because stereotypically women are very caring towards young kids as they have a natural instinct of how to act around children. The theory that is seen in this is the Butler theory this is because there is no stereotypical scenes of how women should act, In stereotypical spy films the assassin is usually played by a man.
Tuesday 05th December 2023.
Killing Eve: Characters Villanelle.
l/o: To explore the narrative and characterisation of villanelle in set products.
1. She is subverting this by being an assassin also by climbing the side of the building onto the roof.
2. The audience might feel happy because there is people going against stereotypes.
3. She comes across as a strong and reckless women who isn't
scared of alot of things.
4. When she helps people out and having a laugh and joke with people the audience may find her likeable.
. low angle shot of her climbing wall
. close up on her food
. non- diegetic music
. above shot- showing her power and how she is taking her time to kill the person
. over the shoulder blurred shot showing just the weapon in her hair
. close up of weapon
. slow zoom in of the expression on her face after the killing
. she was relived/unfazed that she had killed a person
. The lighting was dim while she was killing the man showing a dark and horrific thing that is happening as before this the lighting was bright and sunny giving a warmth feeling
. The editing in this scene was smooth and made it seem very natural
In this scene villanelle is presented as powerful, dominant, professional, versatile, unfazed, nonchalant, confident and calm.
The features that make it difficult to like her is the dominant side to her it shows how she looks down on certain people and judge them and what they do which could make people think she is a horrible person, the fact that she never is out with people could make the audience think she is an anti-social person which could make it difficult for the audience to like her. She also had killed someone while there grandson was hiding in a different room and when she had killed him the look on her face made her seem reliefed that he is dead. Another feature that makes villanelle unlikeable is fact she is a very shut off person, she doesn't speak that much and she is quite a mysterious person which could make the audience feel uncomfortable around her.
Gauntlet theory is the medias complex relationship with identities, it is how people pick there identities through what is shown on the media e.g. clothing, hair colour, the way they act, the people could also relate to them and can feel the way they are portrayed.
Hall theory is the stereotyping on people and ideology i power to fix the meaning of representation, trying to stop the stereotyping certain things, it is also saying that there can only be one true meaning. It is also how stereotypes are constructed.
Monday 11th December 2023.
villanelle positives: powerful, likeable, funny, unique, skilled.
villanelle negatives: dark behaviour, criminal, cruel, violent, malicious.
compare and contrast the techniques used to represent villanelle in episode 1 of killing eve.
In the opening episode of killing eve we see villanelle introduced initially as a likeable character. The scene we see this in is when she is joking around with the boss Konstantin, this makes her likeable as this shows that she has a humours side and she is immature. This is shown through her dialogue as she jokes with Konstantin about watching a movie together, and she predicts that he will refuse, mise en scene also emphasises her humours side through her use of facial expressions to highlight the mood of the business meeting. The use of the humour, makes villanelle seem warm, friendly, and welcoming. The actual situation is quite dark as the meeting is about a further assignation request, however this is reduced to a normal conversation through her upbeat nature therefore reinforcing her as a likeable character to the audience normalising her behaviour. These scenes reinforce the social context in relation negative portrayal, these are represented in the text via villanelle showing how she thinks being a Russian assassin is normal and the conversations she has with Konstantin are normal, it is also a personal thing to her. Theory reference van Zoonen/Butler, performance of gender roles, she is subverting the stereotypical gender roles here as Konstantin fears her and is respected by him, he also goes to her asking for help.
In the second half of the episode of killing Eve we see villanelle introduced as an unlikeable killer. The scene we see this in is when she killed the mafia boss while his grandson was in the room next to them, this makes her an unlikeable character because she seemed unfazed/unbothered by the crime she had just committed. This is shown through her dialogue as she has a smirk by the fact the man is dead and is also more interested in where he had his bed sheets made, mise en scene also emphasises how unfazed she is by showing her facial expressions, the small side smile she had done as if she was also impressed by what she had done. The horribleness of villanelle makes her seem unlovable, unkind, nasty. The actual situation is quite dark, the killing of a man she didn't know at a family event, however this is increased when when we see the grandson find his grandad. These scenes reinforce social context as the audience will consume all of this information and will be able to see that there is something wrong with villanelle it also shows via villanelle walking through the family event and only talking to the grandson. Theory reference van Zoonen/Butler, performance of gender role, she is subverting the sterotypical gender roles here because she is an assassin and usually it will be a male who is doing the killing.
- how villanelle is represented
- scene discription
- textual detail
- explain textual detail
- link to context
- theory
Tuesday 12th December 2023.
l/o: To explore the representations in set products.
Konstantin- more authoritative, father role (positive/neutral)
Dom- supportive, helpful, kind, innocent, young (positive)
Niko- less traditional, cooks, looks after Eve (positive)
Bill- kind, caring, funny, supportive, good boss, older (positive)
Frank- traditional, serious, older, deceptive (negative)
Male victims- misognist, older, predatory (negative)
Konstantin is shown as being serious, he is in traditional clothing, he is shown as overpowering when he just walks in without knocking or saying anything, he is controlling as he just walks in and forced the males out of her room, overpowering by telling her what she has to do, traditional masculin man with grey hair and how he is also bolding.
Frank is shown as overpowering as he was being loud, he was traditional by being higher up in power then Eve was and he is wearing a suit, he is speaking the most out of the whole group.
Tuesday 09th January 2024.
Theory and audience and industry.
Audience theory hall:
dominate reading- accepts the meaning behind it, the preferred and ideological meaning. agreeing with the director
Neological reading- a few of the decoded message is accepted but the audience disagrees with parts of it so it will change to be able to fit to the persons experience and values. saying you disagree with certain things in the film
Oppositional reading- both preferred meaning and any ideological assumptions encoded in the product are rejected. they cant stand the film and fully hate it
Producers encode meaning (the preferred reading) through shared codes. hall argues audiences respond to the preferred reading in one of three different ways. Audiences either accept the preferred reading (the dominant position), reject it (the oppositional position), or accept some elements but modify aspects to fit their own views or experiences (negotiated position.
The dominant hegemonic reading is patriotic duty.
Dominant: Eve is committed to saving lives due to hr job and goes beyond the call of duty to find the truth
Negotiated: agree with the need for patriotic duty but find eve and her methods unrealistic.
Oppositions: British propaganda-demonising those from Russia as others and promoting the rule of british law.
Dominant: soling the crime
Negotiated: bringing dom into the hospital and ended up getting four people killed
Oppositions: putting a bad view on russia and the assassin is russian.
Audience theory bandura:
The media influence people directly
The media can influence directly or indirectly through related platforms such as social media so we can become influenced by the media without being exposed
Bandura believes that the media can have a direct influence on the values and behaviour of audience members. The media can also have an indirect influence through social networks. He argues that audiences may imitate behaviours they see representation in the media especially those which show violence or aggression.
Media representations can directly and indirectly influence audience values and behaviours.
Audience theory: Gerbner: Cultivation theory
Draws attention to the need to investigate the longer term effects on individuals who consume LFTVD Box-sets.
Attitude effects of violent representations suggest that television programmes create the belief to the audience that the world is a dangerous place, with negative events.
Supports the idea that TV should be regulated to avoid harm.
The idea of violence in society in hidden realms is reproduced in killing eve in the attacks from villanelle.
The mistrust in society is seen in M15 the russian element and the conspiracy with the CCTV which shows a leak or cover up within government.
Mean world syndrome is repeated i the violent acts and the crime that is shown in the narrative in the opening episode.
The mistrust we have in society and the violence and the crime in the world, it all causes conspiraces and can cause mistrust with the government.
There is mistrust when bill doesn't believe Eve about the CCTV and then we find out that Eve was right which starts conspiracy theories against the government and why they were covering it up.
Monday 15th January 2024.
killing eve: Theory: industry.
l/o: To explore the industry theory and apply set products.
Curran and Seaton.
- patterns in ownership and control are important in how the media functions.
- The concentration of media ownership means the media indrusty is dominated by a small number of conglomerates, which limits the viewpoints represented.
- The issues of ownership and control, the working practices of creators and the risk and profitability vs critical appeal in tv drama depending who the funding production.
- there is two much of one show, they are repeating the same story line which is limiting the viewpoints.
Killing eve- it was initially released on BBC America which is a pay for service in America. This goes against what curran and seaton said in relation to increasing concentration of ownership. The BBC production has meant that there is not a narrowing of representations present in killing eve.
Diverse representation of race.
Diverse representation of Britain.
Diverse representation of gender.
Diverse representation of sexuality.
This article talks about how big film industries such as Disney will buy other tv industries such as marvel and pixar, making them more powerful and higher up then the smaller industries. Profit leads
to power and power over a successful
industry in turn leads to further profit.
-Cultural industries follow a capitalist pattern of increasing concentration and integration so production is owned and controlled by a few conglomerates.
- Risk is seen in terms of loss of money. Risk is high because production costs are high.
- Industries rely on repetition through use of starts, genres, franchises, repeatable narratives because they need 'big hits' to be able to cover the costs of there failure.
- Draws attention to the ownership and control purposes, such as BBC PSB ethos even though this was a pay subscription in the USA.
- In killing Eve we still see the risk being minimised through the use of Sandra oh and the star system as she was a well established actor and brings in audiences to the show. Alongside genre of spy/conspiracy and thriller that is successful in America and the UK.
Villanelles actor was a risk as she was a new actor so they bought in Eves actor because she is a famous well known american actress doing this mimilised the risk of losing money.
The genre they had used for killing Eve was also a well liked genre so that reduced the risk on them losing out on money.
Livingstone and Lunt.
- Consumers are individuals who seek private benefits from the media.
- Regulation is needed to make sure the media promotes public interests.
- Traditional forms of media regulation are being challgened by the online and globalised media culture resulting from technological developments such as internet.
- LFTVD produced by American cable and streaming services are lightly regulated to avoid harm as they treat their audiences as consumers.
- Tv drama needs to be regulated to make sure that it is safe to watch e.g age ratings.
Tuesday 16th January 2024.
Killing Eve: Theory and Audience and Industry.
l/o: To apply theory in exam responses. Demonstrate analysis of set product linked to an Exam question.
To what extent do TVD create controlling representations in contemporary media products?
contrasting representations we have in killing Eve:
Eve- determined Niko- passive
Villanelle- confident Eve- infatuated
Villanelle- strong Dom- weak
Frank- Traditional Bill- casual boss
Elena- Supportive Konstantine- supportive but controlling
Exam practice:
The representations that are shown in killing Eve show how the characters contrast each other, creating a more diverse character group in the show.
Overall Villanelle is represented as strong and confident through the use of narrative and sound. This can be seen quite early on in the episode as she confidently walks into a family event ready to kill the grandad through the use of camera work and miss en scene. This can be seen in the killing scene when it has an over the shoulder shot showing villanelles face that seems unfazed and strong after killing the guy. The use of dim cold lighting also shows that villanelle is cold and it doesn't bother her that she had just killed a man. The zoomed out shot that was shown for her as well when she was holding the hair pin into his neck and it shows him on his knees and her standing over him showing that in that moment villanelle had more control and power then he did. The episode had presented villanelle as a killer and had shown that her job is an assassin, this is also the use of Barthes as an assassin isn't usually shown as a women for example John wick showing that the writers of killing Eve wanted to change the usual stereotype. Barthes theory is the about how gender is created and shown.
Butler is applied into this scene because in most films and TV shows the Assassin is played by a male role but in this series they are played by a female role, this shows how gender is created to see men as more stronger and muscular and how women are ment to be weaker, showing how differently women are presented then men.
In the scene iam talking about Villanelle coldly kills a male mafia boss who has a higher status then her also showing she is more powerful. You can also apply Van zoonen theory to this because it shows how women are seen on TV and media, also because when she kills the mafia boss he was objectifying her.
Dom is more of a weak character compared to villanelle, this is shown in the hospital scene when Eve had dragged Dom to translate what the victim was saying he had wanted to grab her a chocolate bar and was worried about getting caught in a similar scene this is also shown when he had gotten back from getting the chocolate he had frozen still as villanelle did not really care what she had done and had walked out of the hospital unfazed like nothing had happened.
1. pink
2/3. blue
4. purple
6. green
T: 5 you need to address link contextual factors to the scene and 6- You need to pick a relevant theorist and state how they apply to the scene.
Monday 22nd January 2024.
L/O: To explore the narrative, theme and characters in set episode.
Money heist:
- Central characters whose motives develop with them. Tokyo, The professor.
- A main storyline with interwoven subplots. They want to steal money from people they don't think deserve it or need it. Subplots: Tokyo has being doing heists for a while and was being chased by the police.
- A combination of complex characters that are ambiguous or enigmatic, creating tension and questions for the audience. Complex characters: The other female, the guy that is good with computers. Questions for the audience: How do they get away with it? why is the guy Tokyos soft spot?
Lupin was produced by Gaumount france and Netflix
written by George Kay and maurice Leblanc.
The awards lupin won was Critics choice award in 2022 for the 'best foreign language series'
The audience liked lupin in the first 4 weeks of released more than 70 million accounts watched it. and hit the top 10 list.
Netflix had cancelled the lupin tv series and after 4 years bought it back
Tuesday 23rd January 2024.
Watching Lupin.
L/O: To explore the narrative, themes and characters in set episode.
Main narrative quest/conflict set up
lupins a skilled criminal, his goal was to get the necklace back for his father who was falsely accused.
Enigma codes
what happens next?
are they going to find out its him?
what happened to his mum?
what happened to the necklace?
Individual character narratives
lupin- his father had passed when he was a young age he had then gone into being a thief
gangsters- are gang members who are being set up
mrs pelliguni- weak, doesn't stand up for what is right
Mr pellguni- rasist, higher classed
miss pelliguni- stuck up, sexualised
Monday 29th January 2024.
Lupin- Genre and narrative.
L/O: To explore the narrative theory and genre theory. To apply the theory to the set and text.
Todorov and Narratology:
Narratology is the study of narrative- how the parts fit together to make a whole.
The movement from the initial equilibrium to the new equilibrium entails a transformation(e.g. the hero expresses their heroism and defeats the villain)- this tranformation expresses what the narrative values.
Todorovs theory does not help to understand televisions tendency towards segmentation rather than linearity, e.g. the multiple segmented storylines of some long form dramas.
This theory is useful in teasing out the messages and values underlying a narrative.
It is a collection of diffrent theories that explain how stories, and the telling of stories, structure and shape our perceptions of the world around us.
Equilibrium, disruption, recognition, resolution, and new equilibrium.
Lupin E1:
Equilibrium- Positive single parent life but lives in a racist society and trauma.
Disruption- His father being wrongfully accused.
Recognition of disruption- Realising that he is alone and he has no one else.
Attempt to resolve- Decides to steal the necklace.
New equilibrium- He gets away with the necklace and to some extent he is happy.
The use of non-linear narrative structure, filled with flashbacks and red herrings, arguably serves two purposes.
It provides an overview of Assanes plan and explains how Babakars mistreatment led to the central conflict of the narrative.
The non-linear narrative is also used to misdirect the audience, adding to tension and suspence in the first episode.
Genre Theory: Neale
Genre theories talks about what genres are and about how and why they are created, change endure or decline.
this means that genres are not fixed but evolve with each new addition to the generic corpus.
Classifying a film into a category that contains other films that have similar aspect.
Lupin: crime/thriller, twists to the plot, casting of the joint, gang, plan and robbery.
Difference: The gang is hopeless, robbery is not central to the plot, uses elements of police procedural at the end, family drama between Assange and his son.
What genre is lupin?
What similar programmes does it follow in terms of genre?
Oceans films
sherlock homes
Money heist
How has lupin played with Generic codes and conventions of the genre it has followed?
Lupin- Heist, strong, confident, patagoneist
sherlock holmes- others focused on criminals
Peaky blinders:
Equilibrium- A member of a family gang that has just gotten back from the war and is the leader of the gang.
Disruption: They have other gangs who are taking stuff from them and he is wanted by the police
Recognition of disruption: Realising that he has mental issues from the french war and suffers with PTSD
Attempt to solve: He fights back
New Equilibrium he settles down with his wife and kid
tommy- strong, confident, powerful
Tuesday 30th January 2024.
L/O: To explore the context of the production, and contextual themes in set episode.
Industry context:
Lupin was written by an English writer and scripted in English, it was then translated by a french writer who co-wrote some of the episodes into a french setting and situation.
Internationally it has been very successful and this could be down to the fact it appeals to both audiences through the joint writing and fitting to the context of both cultures accurately.
Opening scene- 0.7:38
Style of cleaners outfits make them look like there are in prison/lower class.
The lighting in the main building is a warm light making the audience feel calm and comfortable as the lighting in the cleaners room is dull and dark.
The tower block was a council asstate showing that the gang members are in lower classes and do not earn much money.
Killing eve had better production this is because they had more money and they were able to change locations around Europe.
Lupins production didn't have as much money so there was so little locations only around paris.
Economic is how much money was spent on making the film, you can tell this by seeing how many different locations that were sown in the scenes.
killing Eve had only shown one class
Lupin had shown the poorer side of society and richer side.
Divided society.
This is how different classes are shown on TV and showing the actual poorer side to cities.
Cultural capital of france, icon in buildings and art work, Lupin was translated by a french man into a french setting so more realistic.
Gender equality.
Culture is the culture of the place they are filming at for e.g Lupin was filmed in france and the culture for that is gender equlitiy.
The history behind the film or the scenes that is shown in the film.
In Lupin it shows how the rich were in a big house with an indoor pool while the poor were in run down places.
Anything to do with politics.
The use of the Mona Lisa is internationally known.
The book Arsene Lupin the Gentleman burglar.
Shots of the Eiffel tower in the episode and the Louvre reference countless films and tourist texts.
The shows of the rough banlieue the seats in french TV.
Lupin links to the pink panther and the saint.
The racial tension is acknowledged in Lupin within society as are race and class are seen as intersectional, in every situation those in power are white and those who are lower are people of colour.
The number one indicator of social decay is crime.
The flashbacks in Lupin showing Assane's childhood shows what his life was like with a father works for a powerful family and the racial inequalities that surround that.
Lupin was released in 2021 when the global pandemic was going on and everyone had to stay at home making streaming movies very popular.
The tv series success in English speaking countries, such as USA, this was partly due to it immanently
Monday 05th February 2024.
Lupin- male Characters.
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products.
What representations of men are in Lupin?
In lupin you have many diffrent representations of men;
lupin(assane) : brave, thief, determined, strong, skilled, unstable and unreliable (As father/provider).
mr pelleguini: Cheat, manipulative.
loan sharks: Criminal, negative.
muscular gang member: stereotypical male (appearance).
jeweller: skilled.
police man: skilled.
weaker gang member: weak, inadequate (lack of education)
Race: Huge stereotype reinforced
Sound: makes him mysterious makes the audience feel like he is up to something (dramatic)
Camera: Close ups showing how serious he is about what he is taking about.
Mise en scene: He's wearing non-smart clothes, rugged cheap clothes, making it seem like he's in lower class, challenges the gang members
The gang members-
Represented: blunt, rude, money hungry, lazy, take advantage of people, Negative
Sound: Dramatic music making them seem powerful and scary, dark deep tone
Camera: Tilts and zoom outs to show how they aren't scared of lupin at the start, until the end when they start to seem feared of him.
Mise en scene: The spray paint on the walls and the apartment looking run down, wearing 'gang' clothes, cheap clothes. location; lower class
His father Babakar-
Represented: Polite, charming, friendly, helpful, intelligent, skilled, Gentleman, social awareness. Fixing his bosses wife's car after finding her in the middle of the street and then driving her home.
Sound: calm music, making him seem sweet and friendly
Mise en scene: Wearing middle class clothes, dresses nicely and looks tidy.
In the opening of Lupin men are presented to the audience as rude and money hungry. This can be seen in the scene at the gang members house, Lupin is held right over the balcony while they are asking him for the money. This is a clear use of sound while showing the apartment that looked run down they had a dark deep tone on, the gang members were also wearing cheap clothes. The media language reinforces the representations of lower class this is shown when you are inside of the apartment because it is very run down with missing doors and spray painted walls, you can also tell this while looking at the gang members they are dressed in cheap tacky clothes and they are all just sitting around before Lupin came in showing they probably don't have the education to get a decent paying job. This highlights the social context of paris/France as poor and run down they showed the lower class of France which the media don't usually do it was so people can see what both higher class and lower class look likes in France.
Tuesday 06th February 2024.
Lupin- Characters.
L/O: To explore the narrative and characterisation in set products.
What happens in the scene?
At an auction Assane is bidding on the necklace when he knows he wouldn't actually be able to afford it. Assane takes on the higher class role. They go into the history of the necklace (Gilroy) which causes Assane to have flashbacks of the pool scene which establishes characterisation and a flashback of the car scene showing class discrimination/racial. Cleaners entering in a gang.
How is Assane represented?
Confident, successful, smart/intelligent, outcast (awkward- segregation is felt- invite body language), Clothes, lighting and setting help create him to look higher class.
Why this scene is effective and significant for the plot in episode 1?
Because of the class discrimination and the racial discrimination throughout.
How does this highlight the class differences in French society?
Clothes, setting, camera work, lighting
How is the Mise en scene used to show this?
Camera work emphasised the power
The clothes Assane was wearing makes him look higher class as well as the lighting and the setting.
Gilroy draws attention to the continuing role of white western culture- across a range of representations. The history of colonialism continues to influence attitudes to ethnicity in western societies. Britain has failed to mourn its loss of empire, creating 'postcolonial melancholia', an attachment to an airbrushed version of british colonial history, which expresses itself in criminalising immigrants and an 'us and them' approach to the world founded on the belief in the inherent superiority of white western civilisation. Images and signs are now the key feature of our society. postmodernism challenges fixed ideas about identity. Hyperreality is the idea that representations are now more powerful and 'real' than reality.
Hyperreal representations dont represent reality, instead they are representations of representations.
Simulacra the representation that is not able to tell the difference between reality and representation.
Gauntlet believes that the media have a complex relationship with identities, he believes that there are many diverse and contradictory messages that individuals can use to think through their identity and how to express themselves.
In the opening scenes of Lupin we see contextual issues represented through class discrimination. This is clear when we can see the cleaners downstairs shut away downstairs where it is dark and there isn't that much light it looks less clean and they have a diffrent entrance to use to enter the building, when the people in the upper class are sat upstairs with lot of light lot more attention is drawn to them they have more money the camera angles are diffrent showing they are more powerful then the cleaners downstairs it also looks lot cleaner then it does downstairs. This adresses the context of class discrimination this is because they have separated them the cleaners are not allowed to be seen by the higher class.
Tuesday 20th February 2024.
Lupin- Representation- Gender.
L/O: To explore the social context of gender through the characterisation in set products.
Van Zoonen- She is a feminist theorist, performance of gender, who we are, but what we do that defines our gender. Gender expectations. Women are objectified in the media. Historical context, cultural context impacts gender roles.
Gauntlett- Identity, identity can change over time e.g. back in old media the LGBTQ were shut away and seen as weird and only made fun of but in the new media they are shown as normal helping people come out. It talks about how the media has a complex relationship with identities.
What representations of gender do we find in lupin?
The representations of gender we can mainly see male roles, this is because the lead role is male. The class of the male roles change we can see that lupin is middle class but will change depending on what job he is doing. He has a failed marriage he isn't a very good father but he is also the hero for trying to have special moments with his son. Lupins father is shown to be in a lower class and a caring gentlemen. There is then the three gang members who are clearly lower class shown n the run down building they live in.
Who are the women represented?
The women that we see in the film is the women who is auctioning the necklace she is portrayed as a wealthy women who has money we then also see mrs pelliguni who is shown as a scared lady of her husband, she is not respected in anyway by anyone. The last female role we see is Lupins old girlfriend and the mum to his son she also struggles here she is a single mother, she needs to make sure assane son isn't upset about his father not seeing him, she has to rely on assane that he will bring the money to help her and his son.
Hall- stereotyping and ideology those in power try to fix the meaning of a representation to a preferred reading that suggest there is only one true meaning. Stereotypes and how they are constructed and how they should be pulled apart.
Lupin social issues:
. Racial inequality
. Class inequality
.White patriarchal, capitalist society
Lupin- class inequality, lower class- higher class. Assane father and Assane
Eve- Gender equality. Eves position in the job compared to the male roles around her.
How are the lead protagonists in Lupin and Killing Eve used to reflect societal issue?
The lead role in lupin is Assane he represents the issue of class inequality, this is shown in the first scene he is working at an art museum as a cleaner it is shown in the scene that the cleaners have a diffrent exit and entrance to the building then all the other workers, there exit and entrance is very shut off from everyone else. All the cleaning tools and lockers are kept downstairs in the basement it has a very dimmed lighting there is no windows to the outside and it is bellow everyone else, while the rest of the non-cleaning staff are upstairs where it is much brighter, there are windows and the customers are there. The lower class cleaners are shut away in the dark away kept away fro the higher class, while the higher class are more in the bright and are able to socialize with other people with no ecgnolege that there are people bellow them. Having the stereotypes that people in the lower class are diffrent to the people in the higher class they behave more like animals, the therioist that is shown here is hall, it is showing how depending on your class depends on how you were treated. The lead role in lupin is Assane (lupin) the character has been used to represent the issue of class inequality, we can see this in the first scene. We are shown Assane working in an art museum in france he has a job as a cleaner, we can see that these cleaners aren't like an average cleaner they have to enter and exit through a secret door so no one can see them, all the cleaner tool and equipment is kept downstairs in the basement away from all customers. This represents the higher and lower class of society it is to show that people who have money and a status are in the light of society and are known more as people in the lower class are shut away and aren't shown much. We can see this though the lighting were the cleaners are the lighting is very dim and dull as were the customers are is brighter.
The lead role in Killing Eve is Eve she represents the issue of gender equality, this is shown in one of the first scenes when Eve was called in on her day off to go sit in a board meeting, she was also one of the last people to enter the room. When you watch this scene it is easy to notice that most of the gender sat at that table were men, Eve who is a women was only there as an assistent for one of the males. This uses the stereotypes that women can only work office jobs and they would never be able to do what a man can do. Eve was also shown as late which is also another stereotype used against women that they are always late. There was only one lady who had higher up authority then most the men there which go against the stereotypes showing that women are able to do the job. In the same scene Eve said how she thinks it was a women who did it and for them to look at the CCTV no one took her seriously and her male boss had given her a weird look, later on in the episode eve was told there was no CCTV and they think it was a man who had did it it wasn't until the lady with the higher up authority looked into it and it turns out Eve was right and the lady was the only one to believe her. The theorists they use here are Van Zoonen because it shows how differently women are treated and hall because of the stereotypes used. The lead role in killing Eve is Eve herself she is used to represent the issue of gender equality, we are able to see this in one of the first scenes, Eve had been called in on her day off and ended up being late to work (their already has been a stereotype used that women are always being late) we then see her ender a room with mainly male faces we then find out that she works as a mans assistant, this is a stereotype that women work for men. In 1928 the uk allowed women to be able to vote they were allowed to start doing things that men can to but even though that all changed women still have to work under a man they will always have a higher up authority that is a male. The theorist hall can be applied to this scene this is because the amount of stereotypes of women that we see in the first episode. The theorist hall works with stereotypes that are produced and what this reveals about the ideas in society.
3.Using accurate Media Language and terminology to reference textual detail.5.Link to a context (Histroical, social, cultural, political, economic).6. Include reference to theory that backs up your original point, Hall can work with stereotypes that are produced and what this reveals about the ideas in society.
Monday 26th February 2024.
Lupin- Representation- Gender.
L/O: Analyse a selection of scenes using accurate media terminology.
The gang are represented as violent. It is clearly shown they are in lower class you can tell this by looking at how they act around certain things. The lighting for the gang members is a very dim lighting creating a cold and uncomfortable lighting very different to the people in the upper class, the gang members dont even see any of the upper class just like in society with the upper class and the lower class. The aution is also on a higher floor while the gang members who are dressed up as cleaners are in the basement.
The upper class are represented as being richer and being taken care of better you can tell this by seeing the lighting in the auction hall compared to the lighting in the cleaning closet, the lighting is brighter and alot more warming making the setting comfortable. The upper class also have a different entrance and exit to the cleaners they dont even see the cleaners making it look like they are more important. The guy who was up talking for the auction was standing higher then the camera so the audience were looking up at him, showing he has power.
Mr Pellegrini is represented as a stuck up cruel man he is shown as being overpowered by having money he is rude. This is all shown by the way he is speaking on the phone and by what he says to Babakar, it shows that all he really cares about is the money and is very selfish. Mr Pellegrini is in upper class.
Mrs Pellegrini is shown as being kind and thoughtful at first she goes and apologises to Babakar for the actions of her husband and she lets him take the book for his son. She cares about the people around her even though she is in upper class.
Babakar is Assanes father, he works as a driver for mr Pellegrini and is in the lower class, he is represented as a kind and caring person he is shown as being thoughtful and a self-less person. Babakar is shown as being thoughtful and kind as when Mrs Pellegrini gave him the book 'lupin' to take home he was very thankful and he had given it to his son showing that he will put others first before he puts himself first.
The gang are represented as reckless and they would do anything for money, they are shown as violent and they represent criminals, on the other hand Assene is represented as more calm and can cope better with things that go wrong, he is shown as more serious.

Levi-strauss is a theorist who believes in things such as binary oppositions e.g. hot-cold, raw-cooked, male-female, push-pull. Many writers have analysed media products using the idea of the binary opposition, but seeing the overall system as 'ideology' rather than 'human consciousness.' He also believes that structuralism is the study of the hidden rules that govern a structure. You can see the use of levi-strauss in the auction scene we can see how Assene (lupin) can go from being in the lower class and having hardly any money to pretending to be a rich person auctioning on a necklace that he cant even afford. when we watch this episode we can also see another binary opposition used when the gang members are shown as being smart but also dumb, they are shown as doing everything right and being shown that they are able to make it into the building without being caught and being able to get into suits from guards but then one of the gang members sprays the guy in the face with normal cleaning products instead of the one that will knock him out he then steals an unsubtle car and crashes it through the roof of the building. Another binary opposition is the rich- poor.

The close up shots on his fathers face and the close ups of Mrs Pellegrini showing that assene has a mistrust in equality and shows his hatred towards the upper class because they were racist and his father had gone to prison for no reason as he was wrongfully accused.
The dramatic music and the blurred background when showing the necklace show the importance it has to Assene and shows how important it is that he gets the necklace because of the racism his father had faced after being accused of stealing it.
The close ups on Babakar's face showing the confusion plastered on his face and the innocence that he shows showing the injustice that he had faced. We are shown that Assane is also facing emotions from it years later because he stole the necklace because the family that owned it and his father was accused of stealing it years before.
The dialogue show that the gang members are un professional with there job, the camera angles making them look clueless on what they are doing, showing how they are incapable of a simple task.
Tuesday 27th February 2024.
Continuing on from yesterday.
The theorist Barthes had started the theory of semiology, semiology is the study of signs. Signs consist of a signifier (a word, an image, a sound, and so on) and its meaning e.g red- blood, death. The denotation of a sign is its literal meaning (e.g. the word 'dog' denotes a mammal that barks). Denotations signify connotations- the associations of denotation (e.g. 'doggies'- the thoughts and feelings associated with dogs). Denotations and connotations are organised into myths- the ideological meaning. These make ideology seem natural. The use of Barthes in lupin was the denotation of innocent and guilty.
A wide shot at the start showing the prison, the sounds are eerie sounds showing that something bad had happened before it had actually happened giving the audience the feel something had happened. The prison is represented as more relaxed then a stereotypical prison, the building wasn't as big there wasn't many guards in site and it had looked more like an abandoned building. The french justice system is represented as loafing this is because Assenes father didn't get the justice he deserved and he did end up killing himself, representing them as uncaring for there prisioners. The sound and the music were both eerie and mysterious making people question what is going to happen and question what had happened to his farther. When assane was apologising to Mrs pelligrini he also said 'go to hell' but afterwards he did also say madame and was being polite to her after saying a mean quote.
Hall is a well known theorist, they talk about the audience theory. Audience theory is Encoding/decoding model. Media produces encode with a preferred meaning. Each audience can decode in one of 3 ways: 1. Dominant reading- accepts the preferred meaning and ideological meaning.
2. Negotiated reading- some of the decoded message is accepted but the audience disagrees with parts of it and so changes it to fit their experience and values.
3. Oppositional reading- both the preferred meaning and any ideological assumptions encoded in the product are rejected.
Producers encode meaning (the preferred reading) through shared codes(such as technical codes and genres). Hall argues audiences respond to the preferred reading in one of three diffrent ways. audiences either accept the preferred reading (the dominant position), reject it (the oppositional position), or accept some elements but modify aspects to fit their own views or experiences (negotiated position).
In the previous scene of lupin i had watched i would say that negotiated reading fits best with the scene, this is because some people would agree with what had happened but others would disagree about it and wouldn't.
Lupin- media language and representation analysis.
L/O: Analyse a selection of scenes using accurate media terminology.
In this scene you can tell that it is a crime/thriller, we are able to see this because in the first half it shows someone committing a crime and stealing a necklace and it is shown as a thriller because of the music they play in the background while assane was walking away. The elements of the crime drama were when the gang members had been caught and arrested, and when Assane was caught 'stealing' showing elements of a crime that had happened. It shows the police arresting the gang members and picking up the necklace and then in the other room you can see assane talking to a detective. Lupin- Representation- Gender.
L/O: Analyse a selection of scenes using accurate media terminology.
Monday 11th March 2024.
Viewpoints and ideologies.
L/O: To explore viewpoints and ideologies in the set text.
Baudrillard: Images and signs are now the key feature of our society. Hyperreality is the idea that representations are now more powerful and 'real' than reality. Hyperreal representations don't represent reality, instead they are representations of representations.
Irony- it was assanes plan all along
Parody or Homage- the show is homage this is because it is more serious.
Intertextual references-
Fragmented narrative-
Self reflexivity-
Common themes- what if?
Loss of reality- We have a loss of reality near the end of the scene when we see how his plan worked out.
Lack of verisimilitude(the appearance of being true or real.)-
Equilibrium- living with his farther (flashback) relations with his son (negative)
Disruption- fathers death
Recognition of disruption- news story
Attempt to solve- heist
New equilibrium- family relation positive with his son
indervidulism- doing something on your own
consumerism- really wanting something, the preoccupation of society with the acquisition
Patriarchy- a system and society where men hold the power
Ethnocentrism- belief that your culture is normal and natural and that other cultures are inferior and strange
Gilroy draws attention to the continuing role of colonial ideology- of the superiority of the white Western culture- across a range of representations.
Pelliguni is the patriarchy order he is also reflect on how his wife acts
Critiques the white order- via pelligrini, lack of feminist credentials and woman of colour.
lower class-
family unit-
Tuesday 12th March 2024.
Lupin- industry theory applied.
L/O To explore the industry theorists and how these can be applied to the set text.
events- assenes father being falsely accused and the cleaners all being lower class and shut away from the rest of society.
characters- Mr pelliguni is your stereotypical white rich male who thinks that he has higher up power over everyone.
ideology- The gang being really violent because they are in lower class
narrative- the lower class people live in a run down place and the rich people live more luxurious.
American Tv has followed the free enterprise model, this means commercial Tv became dominated by some networks as curran and seatons model state. HBO- in the 90s subscriptions and satellite meant less adverts and the programs had better quality, they did this because when people used to watch tv they would have all these adverts that would last up to 5 mins and people would get bored.

Media industries follow the capilist pattern of increasing concentration of ownership.
The more popular actors they have on a show the more likely people are to watch the show so they will earn back the money they had put into it. If a show is filmed in a foreign language there is a chance that it wont do as well as they dont sell very well. Cutrual production is owned and controlled by a few conglomerates who vertically integrate across a range of media to reduce risk. The production costs are high as they wanted a famous star in to play the main roll. They rely on the show being a big hit to cover the costs of failure because they would of lost a lot of money. regulation makes sure that nothing bad is streamed and if it is being streamed they make sure that it is taken down.
The show runner:
An individual or small team, usually a writer or producer who places a personal stamp on the drama and gives it 'authored' quality. In killing eve it featured different female writers who already had critical acclaim and recognition of their successes. Phoebe waller-bridge season 1. In lupin George kay- wrote or co-wrote all the episodes, he collaborated with Francios Uzan a Parisian, who translated the international themes in to a glamorous national french context.
Monday 18th March 2024.
Audience theory applied.
L/O: To explore the audience theorists and how these can be applied to the set text.
Participatory culture- Development of new media allows the audience to be active and creative participants rather then simply passive consumers.
Textual poachers- Audience members taking aspects from media texts to create their own context.
Convergence culture- Media is shared, adapted, and consumed constantly on a range of different platforms.
Spreadable media- context that is adapted by audience members for their own purpose and shared with others.
Jenkins fandom applies to the range and diversity if representations offered by LFTVD to textual poachers who wish to use these products to create their own culture in fan sites. Many LFTVD achieve cult status adding to their value for fans. This optimistic view of the power of the oligarchy of media conglomerates in shaping and controlling the media products.
Traditional media producers would filter then publish as many 'new' media producers are not employees, they publish then filter. These amateur producers have different motivations to those of professionals, they value autonomy, competence, membership and generosity. User-generatied context creates emotional connection between people who care about something. 'The audience" as a mass of people with predictable behaviour is gone. Now behaviour is variable across different sites, with some of the audience creating context, some synthesising context and some consuming context. Shirky's audience theory draws attention to the way that LFTVD can provide value to each other by using websites to offer, comments, parodies, merchandise, it does not apply to broadcast TV however streaming series do not reflect the view of the online media proposed by Shirky in so far as they primarily operate like the old media offering centrally produced context. The optimistic view of the power of audiences, underestimates the power of the oligarchy of media conglomerates in shaping and controlling the media produced. Prosumers- There motivations are different to professional media producers
Cognitive surplus- Prosumers can create (cognitive surplus) where potentially large numbers of people give their time and expertise to create something e.g. Wikipedia.
Tuesday 19th March 2024.
Exam practice.
L/O- To explore the exam format, to plan a comparative response to the set texts.
Historical, political, economic, social and cultural context needs to be explored. you will need to analyses the text and theory applied and to refer to all the theoretical framework, media language, audience, representation and industry.
make sure to include all of these numbers into every paragraph in question 3.
social group= age, ethnicity, gender, class and sexuality. AUDINCE
THEORISTS- zoonen, gilroy, Gerber, strauss
1. Introduction= respond to the question/ overall statement.
- Industry, what we want to know.
2. social group 1-6 lupin
- comparison comment
3. social groups 1-6 KE
4. social groups 2 lupin
5. social groups 2 KE
6. conclusion
I believe that Long form TV dramas (LFTVD'S) represent social groups differently this is because the social group in killing Eve is represented differently to the social groups in Lupin. we are shown how different the both shows represent social group or the similarities in them as well.
In lupin we are shown the social group class, in the show they represent how different each class actually is. The representation of this is quite clear and you can see this when you look at the first episode, we are shown mr pelliguni and his family living in a very nice mansion secluded from all other houses, they have hired cleaner, cooks and people to drive them around. By looking at the pelliguni family we can see that they have a high up status and that they make quite a bit of money we are able to see clearly that they are in upper class. On the other hand we see the gang members living in an apartment building that is quite run down and they all live together in the same small apartment we can see that they are in the lower class by the look of there clothes, they wear more scruffy clothing. The lower class are also represented when lupin get a job as a cleaner we can see that they are shut away from the people who are in upper class and have to enter and exit the building through a separate door from them. The theorist that is shown here is bell hooks she believes in class and that it creates a white supremist. We can tell that the white supremist in lupin is Mr pelliguni.
In comparison, the social group class, isn't acknowledged much in killing eve. It is only represented in some scenes, in the scene when villenele went to kill the gang member who was high up and we could tell he was in upper class if we compare his house to villenelle we can tell that he makes more money this is because his house is bigger and it feels more warming.
Monday 25th March 2024.
Q4 exam practice.
Question 4 is a 10 mark question we will be asked to evaluate a theory.
1. study of signs + semiology - signifier and signified meaning.
2. signs create denotation - literal meaning.
3. connotations are created from these to create meaning.
4. connotations create myths in society an ideological meanings that are natural.
Halls theory
1. define theory- halls theory on representation suggests that media texts contain a variety of messages that are encoded by producers and decoded by the audience.
2. why its useful/relevant
when a producer of a text tries to 'fix' a meaning of a person or event- this will usually reveal viewpoints and bias. Anti- stereotypical representations
3. why it is useful/relevant
4. why its useful/ relevant
5. state any possible limitations
6. conclude
Halls theory of representations suggests that there are a variety of messages encoded into media texts by the producers, that are then decoded by the audience. Hall talks about how representations is not about wether the media reflects or disorts reality, as this implies that there can be one 'true' meaning, but the many meanings that a representation can generate. Hall talks about how there are three main ways an audience can decode a message, the three ways they can use are preferred reading this is when an audience accepts and understands the message as intended by the producer, and agree on the points that are made. Negotiated reading this occurs when the audience partly agrees with the encoded message but will change it to fit their beliefs or experiences. Oppositional reading this happens when the audience rejects the creators encoded message entirely due to their beliefs or experiences.
This is shown throughout the first episode of lupin we can see how each class is portrayed, the lower class are represented as being unimportant and we are able to see that the lower class cleaners are kept away from upper class in the building, they are made to enter and exit differently from the rest. We are able to see that the cleaners working are shut in a dark dim lighted cleaning room, as the upper class are on a floor higher them then that has windows is much bigger and has a lot more light shinning through. We are able to tell that the producers of lupin are basing the events in scene to what happens in real life with the different classes and how they are treated differently. I belive that most of the audience will be preffered readers and agree with this point.
In conclusion,
Tuesday 26th March 2024.
Media language theory.
Correct theory, representation theory i got confused with the reception theory. Representation theory is that there is not a true representation of people or events in a text and there are multiple ways they can be represented. Hall representation theory talks about how there isn't just one true meaning and there can be many meanings. A representation implicates the audience in creating its meaning. power through ideology or by stereotyping- tries to fix the meaning of a representation in a preferred meaning.

Monday 15th April 2024.
Industry theory.
1. Individualism-
Killing Eve- In killing eve we can see indervidulism through villenelle we can see this when Constantine tells villenelle to make it look like a suisde but she doesn't.
Lupin- We can see individualism in lupin through Assign this is because he works alone and when he does work with other people he will make sure that they always get caught, this is completely opposite to mr pelliguni because mr pelliguni gets people to do things for him such as opening the door.
2. Consumerism-
Killing Eve- We are able to see consumerism when villanelle wants to get the money and she wants the thrill of being able not to get caught.
Lupin- we are able to see this through lupin with his want for the necklace and feeling like he needs it
3. Perspective-
Killing Eve-
4. Ethnocentrism-
Killing Eve-
5. Patriarchy-
Killing Eve-
6. Globalisation-
Killing Eve- We are able to see villanelle traveling and moving about
Lupin- The global awareness for france and the Eiffel tower
Monday 22nd April 2024.
Audience theory.
Monday 29th April 2024.
L/O: To plan an comparative response to Q4
1. Context produced and consumed TVD
- KE context production and consumption
- L context production and consumption
2. Context and realism
- KE context and realism (baudrillard, Hall and stereotypes)
- L context and realism (Gilroy, Levi Strauss)
3. Audience response
- KE audience response (Hall reception)
- L audience response (Jenkins, shirky active audience)
4. conclusion- judgement.
Killing Eve is produced by Phoebe Waller-bridge, she is a English actress and screenwriter. In 2018 there wasn't many successful female writers and it had shocked many people on how well killing Eve had done. In the first episode of killing eve we can see that it cancel outs all stereotypes of women starting with Villanelle who is a female assain, in most Tv shows and movies there are only male assain. In the show we can also see how Eve was a stereotype of what women work looks like, she was working for a man and was only an assistant all the men didn't believe when she said that the assassin is female, towards the end of the episode we can see that she is accepted into the secret service becoming higher up then the men she worked for. Just before killing Eve was released there was the 'me too' movement this movement consisted of women who were spreading awareness about the issue of the women who are sexually harassed and sexually abused in the work place, so when Killing Eve was realesed people can see how empowering killing eve was and how the main roles in the show were played by women, the show was also written and directed by women so more people had watched it because of the main roles being women and also because Sandra OH had played one of the main roles so it was streamed globally.
Lupin is produced by George Kay is an English screenwriter and Film producer. Lupin is a french TV show it talks about a man with many identities who is trying to get justice for his farther Lupin was put on Netflix as an english dubbed version on 8th January 2021. At the start of 2021 everyone was still in lockdown and towards the end of 2021 everyone was coming out of lockdown due to this it had reversed decades of progress, with the aftershock of the pandemic more people wanted to stay inside and many children had missed out on the social life that they need. Due to lockdown more people started new Tv series so Lupin was watched by quite a few people but didn't do that well in britain and this is because its a dubbed film. People mainly liked it though because of the accurace shown in the film about how the rich are treated better then the less fortunate people, they had also shown the downside of france not just the popular places and shown that france isn't the stereotype its made out to be.
Context and realism-
Killing Eve had used the stereotypes of feminity that women are lower then men and that women work for the men, we can see this when eve is called in on her day off and she goes into the meeting room when she sits down and starts talking to the guy next to her we soon realise that she is his assistante, we then see a long shot of the room that shows most of the people at the table are male we can apply Van Zoonen to this because she talks about how the media portrays these stereotypical women and there behaviour.
In conclusion, both of the tv series were produced and realesed at the right time for the audience who wanted to watch them, because of what was happening around the world during the time the producers would've made money from it to be able to make more seasons. we can also see that at the start of the episode eve had a stereotypical job role for a women and villanelle was completely different as the character was played by a female when stereotypically it is played by a male.
13/11- Excellent start to the unit, great notes on the genre, well done.
ReplyDelete27/11- Some good examples of Eve's character. T: try to stick to the structure we are using to analyse and follow the notes on the board. T: 5.Link to context- Social context of female roles.
ReplyDelete6.Theory reference Van Zoonen/Butler.
11/12- Great analysis points here well done.
ReplyDeleteT: 5+6 for the second paragraph.
22/1- Good analysis of the scene, T: 5 you need to address link contextual factors to the scene and 6- You need to pick a relevant theorist and state how they apply to the scene.
ReplyDelete20/2- Great structure used here and you have some great examples from the text that you have used. Target areas:
ReplyDelete3.Using accurate Media Language and terminology to reference textual detail.
5.Link to a context (Histroical, social, cultural, political, economic).
6. Include reference to theory that backs up your original point, Hall can work with stereotypes that are produced and what this reveals about the ideas in society.
11/3- Good notes here, well done, ensure that you complete all the tasks for the lessons and take notes from discussions if you don't get the notes completed independently, e.g. the stereotypes from Lupin.
ReplyDelete25/3- Good structure used and examples from the text. T: you have mixed the two theories of Hall, you need to focus on the theory for representation which you do really well at first. Check your notes to keep focused on that area.
ReplyDelete15/4- Q3 from 19/3- T: you need to try and address context and link this to theory by explaining in detail how it applies. In your examples from the text, be clear to use media terms in your analysis such as costume, camera shots etc...
ReplyDelete29/4- Good contextual knowledge linked to production, you just need to cover the other areas of your plan to ensure that you answer the question.